這一刻,陸陽個白北突然覺得有些等不及了,世界上最好的那個人即將成為自己的另一半,就好像做夢一樣,讓人忍不住想沖在神父前面說一句「yes,i do!」
then, yang ,do you take bei bai for your lawful wedded ate,to live tother after god’s ordance, the holy estate of atriony?will you love,honor,fort,and cherish hi fro this day forward,forsakg all others,keepg only unto hi for as long as you both shall live?
to be your lawful, wedded fere?(好,陸陽,你願意在這個神聖的婚禮中接受白北作為你合法的伴侶,一起生活在上帝的指引下嗎?你願意從今以後愛著他,尊敬他,安慰他,關愛他並且在你們的有生之年不另作他想,忠誠對待他嗎?)
陸陽笑著看了白北一眼,盯著他的眼睛,回答道:「yes,i do i, yang , take thee ,bei bai to be y wedded ate,to have and to hold fro this day forward,for better for worse,for richer for poorer, sickness and health,to love,honor,and cherish,’til death do part,aordg to god’s holy ordance; and there to i plight thee y troth」
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