第5頁 (第2/7頁)
lays thisand upon you, that you be ore firly bound to obey it, knowthat i a the valoro don ixote of la an插, the undoer ofwrongs and jtices; and , god be with you, and keep dwhat you have proised and sworn under those penalties that havebeen already declared to you&ot;
sayg, he gave rocante the spur and was on out of reach thefarr followed hi with his eyes, and when he saw that he had clearedthe wood and was no lonr sight, he turned to his boy andres,and said, &ot;e here, y n, i want to pay you what i owe you, asthat undoer of wrongs has anded &ot;
&ot;y oath on it,&ot; said andres, &ot;your worship will be well advisedto obey the and of that good knight- ay he live a thoand years-for, as he is a valiant and jt jud, by roe, if you do not pay, he will e back and do as he said&ot;
&ot;y oath on it, too,&ot; said the farr; &ot;but as i have a strongaffection for you, i want to add to the debt order to add to thepaynt;&ot; and seizg hi by the ar, he tied hi up aga, and gavehi such a floggg that he left hi for dead
&ot;now, aster andres,&ot; said the farr, &ot;call on the undoer ofwrongs; you will fd he won&039;t undo that, though i a not sure thati have ite done with you, for i have a good d to flay you alive&ot;but at last he untied hi, and gave hi leave to go look for his jud order to put the sentence pronounced to execution
andres went off rather down the outh, swearg he would go tolook for the valiant don ixote of la an插 and tell hi exac