第205頁 (第2/7頁)
&ot; not by cide hate, the origal author, but by anaragonese who by his own aount is of tordesillas&039; &039;out of this withit,&039; said the first, &039;and to the depths of hell with it out of ysight&039; &039;is it bad?&039; said the other &039; bad is it,&039; said thefirst, &039;that if i had set yself deliberately to ake a worse, i uldnot have done it&039; they then went on with their ga, knockg otherbooks about; and i, havg heard the ntion the na of donixote who i love and adore , took care to reta this vision y ory&ot;
&ot;a vision it t have been, no doubt,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;for thereis no other i the world; this history has been gog about here for ti fro hand to hand, but it does not stay long any, foreverybody gives it a taste of his foot i a not disturbed byhearg that i a wanderg a fantastic shape the darkness ofthe pit or the daylight above, for i a not the one that historytreats of if it should be good, faithful, and true, it will have af life; but if it should be bad, fro its birth to its burial willnot be a very long journey&ot;
altisidora was about to proceed with her pnt agast donixote, when he said to her, &ot;i have several tis told you, senorathat it grieves you should have set your affections upon , asfro e they can only receive gratitude, but no return i was bornto belong to dulcea del tobo, and the fates, if there are any,dedicated to her; and to suppose that any other beauty can take theplace 射 oupies y heart is to suppos