
fort at his side her hands were clenched on the rail the expression on her face, as 射 turned it toward hi, ite startled hi it was no lonr gay or alicio 射 looked devoured by ner nsug fire

&ot;they dont care any ore&ot; the words ca low and fast &ot;theyve got beyond i cant reach the they dont d if i here or not i cant - i cant hurt the any ore&ot;

her hands on the rail trebled

&ot;adeoiselle -&ot;

射 broke : &ot;oh, its too late now - too late for warng you were right i ought not to have e not on this journey what did you call it? a journey of the ul? i cant go back; ive got to go on and i gog on they shant be happy tother; they shant id kill hi oner&ot;

射 turned abruptly away poirot, starg after her, felt a hand on his shoulder &ot;your girl friend sees a trifle upset, onsieur poirot&ot;

poirot turned he stared surprise, seeg an old acatance

&ot;lonel race&ot;

the tall bronzed an siled

&ot;bit of a surprise, eh?&ot;

hercule poirot had e across lonel race a year previoly london they had been fellow guests at a very stran dner party - a dner party that had ended death for that stran an, their host

poirot knew that race was a an of unadvertised gogs and gs he was ually to be found one of the outposts of epire where trouble was breg

&ot; you are here at wвdi halfa,&ot; he rearked thoughtfully

&ot;i a here on this boat&ot;

&ot;you an?&ot;

&ot;that i a akg the return journe

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關於核諧地球: 科學技術的發展,會讓人類生活的更幸福!但石油資源的枯竭,人類陷入了能源危機。好在科技的發展,重核裂變技術的成熟,使人類進入到核能加智慧大時代,反制核武器的技術使核威懾失去意義,世界擁有核武器的國家開始銷燬核武器,銷燬核武器的核料用來給人類提供核能。人類從此進入一個核科學與技術和諧發展的社會,核能利用與社會、環境、文化的和諧共存的地球!
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