
&ot;of urse 射 ought to have known better than to ask hi&ot;

&ot;and i believe hes ite venoo about her - utters thgs under his breath whenever he sees her cant five her for havg given hi an abtely price for the wor-eaten faily estate&ot;

&ot;and you cant understand that?&ot; rs allerton spoke sharply

&ot;frankly,&ot; said ti cally, &ot;i cant why live the past? why clg on to thgs that have been?&ot;

&ot;what are you gog to put their place?&ot;

he shrugd his shoulders &ot;excitent, perhaps novelty the joy of never knog what ay turn up fro day to day stead of heritg an eless tract of land, the pleasure of akg oney for yourself - by your own bras and skill&ot;

&ot;a suessful deal on the stock ex插n fact!&ot;

he laughed &ot;why not?&ot;

&ot;and what about an eal loss on the stock ex插n?&ot;

&ot;that, dear, is rather tactless and ite appropriate today what about this egypt plan?&ot;

&ot;well -&ot;

he cut , silg at her: &ot;thats settled weve both always wanted to see egypt&ot;

&ot;when do you sugst?&ot;

&ot;oh, next outh januarys about the best ti there well enjoy the delightful ciety this hotel a few weeks lonr&ot;

&ot;ti,&ot; said rs allerton reproachfully then 射 added guiltily: &ot;i afraid i proised rs leech that youd go with her to the police station 射 doesnt understand any spanish&ot;

ti ade a griace

&ot;about her rg? the blood-red ruby of the horse leechs da

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