第47頁 (第2/4頁)
f urse not&ot;
poirot asked, &ot;do you know anythg about your istresss pearls?&ot;
&ot;her pearls?&ot; louises eyes opened very wide &ot;射 was wearg the last night&ot;
&ot;you saw the when 射 ca to bed?&ot;
&ot;yes, onsieur&ot;
&ot;where did 射 put the?&ot;
&ot;on the table by the side as always&ot;
&ot;that is where you last saw the?&ot;
&ot;yes, sir&ot;
&ot;did you see the there this orng?&ot;
a startled look ca to the girls face
&ot;on dieu! i did not even look i e up to the bed, i see - i see ada; and then i cry out and rh out of the door, and i fat&ot;
hercule poirot nodded his head
&ot;you did not look but i, i have the eyes which notice, and there were no pearls on the table beside the bed this orng&ot;
插pter 14
hercule poirots observation had not been at fault there were no pearls on the table by l doyles bed
louise bourt was bidden to ake a search aong ls belonggs
aordg to her, all was order only the pearls had disappeared as they erd fro the cab a steward was waitg to tell the that breakfast had been served the kg-roo
as they passed along the deck, race paed to look over the rail
&ot;ah! i see you have had an idea, y friend&ot;
&ot;yes it suddenly ca to , when fanthorp ntioned thkg he had heard a splash, that i too had been awakened ti last night by a splash its perfectly possible that, after the urder, the urderer threw the pi