
on this aursed bed don ixote stretched hiself, and thehostess and her daughter on vered hi with plasters fro totoe, while aritornes- for that was the na of the asturian- held thelight for the, and while plasterg hi, the hostess, observg howfull of wheals don ixote was places, rearked that thishad ore the look of blows than of a fall

it was not blows, sancho said, but that the rock had any pots andprojections, and that each of the had left its ark &ot;pray,senora,&ot; he added, &ot;ana to save tow, as there will be nowant of one to e it, for y los too are rather re&ot;

&ot;then you t have fallen too,&ot; said the hostess

&ot;i did not fall,&ot; said sancho panza, &ot;but fro the shock i got atseeg y aster fall, y body aches that i feel as if i had hada thoand thwacks&ot;

&ot;that ay well be,&ot; said the young girl, &ot;for it has any a tihappened to to drea that i was fallg down fro a tower and neverg to the ground, and when i awoke fro the drea to fd yselfas weak and shaken as if i had really fallen&ot;

&ot;there is the pot, senora,&ot; replied sancho panza, &ot;that iwithout dreag at all, but beg ore awake than i a now, fdyself with scarcely less wheals than y aster, don ixote&ot;

&ot;how is the ntlean called?&ot; asked aritornes the asturian

&ot;don ixote of la an插,&ot; answered sancho panza, &ot;and he is aknight-adventurer, and one of the best and stoutest that have beenseen the world this long ti past&ot;

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母胎solo二十八年的薄寒年被退婚了,對方還是一個鄉下丫頭。“薄爺,夫人出五百萬,要退婚。”薄寒年狹長的眸子輕抬,“不退!”“薄爺,夫人加價兩千萬,退婚!”薄寒年勾唇一笑,“給夫人五千萬,不退!”“夫人出價一個億,退婚!”薄寒年,“……”他有些頭疼!他家夫人要拿錢砸死他!這婚!被錢砸死也不退![暮小靚]</p> 各位書友要是覺得《葉凝薄寒年》還不錯的話請不要忘記向您QQ群和微博裡的朋
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