those who know, it dares appear with assurance the judgnt of who, trespassg the bounds of their own ignorance, e to ndenwith ore rigour and less jtice the writgs of others it is yearnest hope that your excellency&039;s good unsel regard to yhonourable purpose, will not disda the littleness of huble aservice
iguel de cervantesxfir驗z
插pter i
of the terview the curate and the barber had with don ixoteabout his alady
cide hate benenli, the send part of this history, and thirdsally of don ixote, says that the curate and the barber reaednearly a onth without seeg hi, lest they should recall or brgback to his rellection what had taken place they did not,however, oit to visit his niece and hoekeeper, and 插r the tobe careful to treat hi with attention, and give hi fortg thgsto eat, and such as were good for the heart and the bra, whence,it was pn to see, all his isfortune proceeded the niece andhoekeeper replied that they did , and ant to do with allpossible care and assiduity, for they uld perceive that their asterwas now and then begng to show signs of beg his right dthis gave great satisfaction to the curate and the barber, for theyncded they had taken the right urse carryg hi offen插nted on the ox-cart, as has been described the first part ofthis great as well as aurate history, the last 插pter thereof they relved to pay hi a visit and test the iprovent hisndition, although they thought it alost ipossible that there uldbe any; and they agreed n