d the traveller,&ot;the sceptre on the head and the crown the hand; but if , aybe there is with pany of players, with who it is a onthg to have those crowns and sceptres you speak of; for such asall n as this, and where such silence is kept, i do not believeany people entitled to crowns and sceptres can have taken up theirarters&ot;
&ot;you know but little of the world,&ot; returned don ixote, &ot;sce youare ignorant of what only ours knight-errantry&ot;
but the rades of the spokesan, grog weary of the dialoguewith don ixote, renewed their knocks with great vehence, uch that the host, and not only he but everybody the n, awoke, andhe got up to ask who knocked it happened at this ont that one ofthe horses of the four who were seekg adittance went to sllrocante, who lancholy, dejected, and with droopg ears stoodotionless, supportg his rely stretched aster; and as he was,after all, flesh, though he looked as if he were ade of wood, heuld not help givg way and return sllg the one who had eto offer hi attentions but he had hardly oved at all when donixote lost his footg; and slippg off the saddle, he would havee to the ground, but for beg spended by the ar, which caedhi such agony that he believed either his wrist would be cut throughor his ar torn off; and he hung near the ground that he uld jttouch it with his feet, which was all the worse for hi; for, fdghow little was wanted to enable hi to plant his feet firly, hestruggled and stretched hiself as uch as