第197頁 (第2/8頁)
ither word nor deed did i, i thk,show any sign of beg a oris to aopany these virtues, for suchi hold the, y beauty, if i possess any, grew with y growth; andgreat as was the secsion which i lived it was not great butthat a young ntlean, don gaspar gregorio by na, eldest n of antlean who is lord of a villa near ours, ntrived to fdopportunities of seeg how he saw , how we t, how his hearas lost to , and e not kept fro hi, would take too long totell, especially at a ont when i a dread of the cruel rd thatthreatens terposg beeen tongue and throat; i will only say,therefore, that don gregorio chose to aopany ourbanishnt he joed pany with the orises who were gogforth fro other villas, for he knew their langua very well, andon the voya he struck up a friendship with y o uncles who werecarryg with the; for y father, like a wise and far-sighted an,as on as he heard the first edict for our expulsion, itted thevilla and departed est of refu for abroad he lefthidden and buried, at a spot of which i alone have knowled, alar antity of pearls and precio stones of great vae,tother with a su of oney gold cruzadoes and doubloons he插rd on no aount to touch the treasure, if by any 插ncethey expelled before his return i obeyed hi, and with cles, as i have said, and others of our kdred and neighbours,passed over to barbary, and the place where we took up our abode wasalgiers, uch the sa as if we had taken it up hell itself thekg heard of y beauty, and report told hi of y wealth, wh