第24頁 (第1/9頁)
at these words sancho turned his eyes ast, and a still loudervoice said, &ot;can it be your worship has fotten that i a not aknight, or do you want to end by voitg up what bowels i haveleft after last night? keep your lior the na of all the devils,and leave to yself!&ot; and at one and the sa stant he left offtalkg and began drkg; but as at the first sup he perceived ias water he did not care to go on with it, and begd aritornes tofetch hi e, which 射 did with right good will, and paidfor it with her own oney; for deed they say of her that, though 射was that le of life, there was fat and distant reseblanceto a christian about her when sancho had done drkg he dug hi射els to his ass, and the gate of the n beg thrown open hepassed out very well pleased at havg paid nothg and carried hispot, though it had been at the expense of his ual sureties, hisshoulders it is true that the nkeeper detaed his alforjas paynt of what was og to hi, but sancho took his departure such a frry that he never issed the the nkeeper, as on a射 saw hi off, wanted to bar the gate close, but the blanketers wouldnot agree to it, for they were fellows who would not have cared ofarthgs for don ixote, even had he been really one of theknights-errant of the round table
插pter xviii
which is related the disurse sancho panza held with his aster,don ixote, and other adventures worth relatg
sancho reached his aster lip and fat that he uld not uron his beast when don ixote saw the state h