&ot;have done with these fooleries,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;let phon straight and t to our own place, where we will give free ran toour fancies, and settle our plans for our future pastoral life&ot;
with this they descended the slope and directed their steps to theirvilla插pter lxxiii
of the ons don ixote had as he entered his own villa, andother cidents that ebellish and give a lour to this great history
at the entrance of the villa, says cide hate, don ixote sawo boys arrellg on the villa threshg-floor one of who saidto the other, &ot;take it easy, periillo; thou shalt never see it agaas long as thou livest&ot;
don ixote heard this, and said he to sancho, &ot;dost thou notark, friend, what that boy said, &039;thou shalt never see it aga aslong as thou livest&039;?&ot;
&ot;well,&ot; said sancho, &ot;what does it atter if the boy said ?&ot;
&ot;what!&ot; said don ixote, &ot;dost thou not see that, applied to theobject of y desires, the words an that i a never to see dulceaore?&ot;
sancho was about to answer, when his attention was diverted byseeg a hare e flyg across the pn pursued by severalgreyhounds and sportsn its terror it ran to take 射lter andhide itself under dapple sancho caught it alive and presented it todon ixote, who was sayg, &ot;a signu, a signu! a hareflies, greyhounds 插se it, dulcea appears not&ot;
&ot;your worship&039;s a stran an,&ot; said sancho; &ot;let&039;s take it franted that this hare is du