第10頁 (第2/7頁)
when anythg ailed you for ypart, i nfess i t pn however sall the ache ay be;unless this rule about not png extends to the sires ofknights-errant al&ot;
don ixote uld not help laughg at his sire&039;s siplicity,and he assured hi he ight pn whenever and however he chose,jt as he liked, for, far, he had never read of anythg to thentrary the order of knighthood
sancho bade hi reber it was dner-ti, to which his asteranswered that he wanted nothg hiself jt then, but that he ighteat when he had a d with this perission sancho settled hiself asfortably as he uld on his beast, and takg out of the alforjaswhat he had stowed away the, he jogd along behd his asterunchg deliberately, and fro ti to ti takg a pull at the botawith a relish that the thirstiest tapster alaga ight have envied;and while he went on this way, gulpg down draught afterdraught, he never gave a thought to any of the proises his aster hadade hi, nor did he rate it as hardship but rather as recreationgog est of adventures, however danro they ight be fallythey passed the night aong trees, fro one of which donixote pcked a dry branch to serve hi after a fashion as alance, and fixed on it the head he had reoved fro the broken oneall that night don ixote lay awake thkg of his lady dulcea, order to nfor to what he had read his books, how any a night the forests and deserts knights ed to lie sleepless supported by theory of their istresses not did sancho panza spend it, forhavg his stoach full of thg st