akg it withboth hands, good faith and with a better will, gulped down anddraed off very little less than his aster but the fact is, thatthe stoach of poor sancho was of necessity not delicate as that ofhis aster, and , before voitg, he was seized with suchgripgs and retchgs, and such sweats and fatness, that verily andtruly be believed his last hour had e, and fdg hiself racked and tornted he cursed the balsa and the thief that had givenit to hi
don ixote seeg hi this state said, &ot;it is y belief, sancho,that this ischief es of thy not beg dubbed a knight, for i apersuaded this lior cannot be good for those who are not &ot;
&ot;if your worship knew that,&ot; returned sancho- &ot;woe betide and ally kdred!- why did you let taste it?&ot;
at this ont the draught took effect, and the poor sire began todis插r both ways at such a rate that the rh at on which he hadthrown hiself and the canvas blanket he had verg hi were fit fornothg afterwards he sweated and perspired with such paroxyss andnvulsions that not only he hiself but all present thought his endhad e this tepest and tribulation lasted about o hours, atthe end of which he was left, not like his aster, but weak andexhated that he uld not stand don ixote, however, who, as hasbeen said, felt hiself relieved and well, was ear to take hisdeparture at once est of adventures, as it seed to hi that allthe ti he loitered there was a fraud upon the world and those it who stood need of his help and protec