sire: that fro this day forward our terurse we t observe ore respect and take lessliberties, for whatever way i ay be provoked with you it will bebad for the pitcher the favours and benefits that i have proised youwill e due ti, and if they do not your was at least will notbe lost, as i have already told you&ot;
&ot;all that your worship says is very well,&ot; said sancho, &ot;but ishould like to know ( case the ti of favours should not e,and it ight be necessary to fall back upon was) how uch did thesire of a knight-errant t those days, and did they agree by theonth, or by the day like bricklayers?&ot;
&ot;i do not believe,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;that such sires wereever on was, but were dependent on favour; and if i have nowntioned the the sealed will i have left at ho, it was witha view to what ay happen; for as yet i know not how chivalry willturn out these wretched tis of ours, and i do not wish y ul tosuffer for trifles the other world; for i would have thee know,sancho, that this there is no ndition ore hazardo than that ofadventurers&ot;
&ot;that is true,&ot; said sancho, &ot;sce the re noise of the hars ofa fullg ill can disturb and disiet the heart of such a valianterrant adventurer as your worship; but you ay be sure i will not openy lips henceforward to ake light of anythg of your worship&039;s,but only to honour you as y aster and natural lord&ot;
&ot;by dog,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;shalt thou live long on theface of t