
&ot;and what do you thk, adeoiselle?&ot;

&ot;i thk he t be jt pn crazy,&ot; said rnelia

poirot turned to the doctor &ot;how is your patient?&ot;

&ot;ach, he is gog on splendidly i have jt reassured the little frдule de bellefort would you believe it, i found her despair jt becae the fellow had a bit of a teperature this afternoon! but what uld be ore natural? it is aazg that he is not a high fever now but no, he is like of our peasants; he has a agnificent nstitution, the nstitution of an ox i have seen the with deep wounds that they hardly notice it is the sa with r doyle his pulse is steady, his teperature only slightly above noral i was able to pooh pooh the little ladys fears all the sa, it is ridiculo, nicht wahr? one ute you shoot a an; the next you are hysterics case he ay not be dog well&ot;

rnelia said, &ot;射 loves hi terribly, you see&ot;

&ot;ach! but it is not sensible, that if you loved a an, would you try and shoot hi? no, you are sensible&ot;

&ot;i dont like thgs that go off with bangs anyway,&ot; said rnelia

&ot;naturally you do not you are very fee&ot;

race terrupted this scene of heavy approval &ot;sce doyle is all right, theres no rean i shouldnt e along and resu our talk of this afternoon he was jt tellg about a telegra&ot;

dr bessners bulk oved up and down appreciatively

&ot;ho, ho, ho, it was very funny that! doyle, he tells about it it was a telegra all about vetables - pota

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關於核諧地球: 科學技術的發展,會讓人類生活的更幸福!但石油資源的枯竭,人類陷入了能源危機。好在科技的發展,重核裂變技術的成熟,使人類進入到核能加智慧大時代,反制核武器的技術使核威懾失去意義,世界擁有核武器的國家開始銷燬核武器,銷燬核武器的核料用來給人類提供核能。人類從此進入一個核科學與技術和諧發展的社會,核能利用與社會、環境、文化的和諧共存的地球!
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