
&ot;you thk 射s capable of it?&ot;

&ot;i thk - yes&ot; poirot unded doubtful

&ot;but not this way? thats whats worryg you, isnt it? not to creep to her cab the dark and shoot her while 射 was sleepg its the ld-bloodedness that strikes you as not rgg true?&ot;

&ot; a sense, yes&ot;

&ot;you thk that this girl, jacele de bellefort, is capable of a preditated ld-blooded urder?&ot;

poirot said slowly: &ot;i a not sure, you see 射 would have the bras - yes but i doubt if, physically, 射 uld brg herself to do the act&ot;

race nodded &ot;yes, i see well, aordg to bessners story, it would al have been physically ipossible&ot;

&ot;if that is true it clears the ground nsiderably let hope it is true&ot;

poirot paed and then added siply: &ot;i shall be glad if it is , for i have for that little one uch sypathy&ot;

the door opened and fanthorp and rnelia ca bessner followed the

rnelia gasped out: &ot;isnt this jt awful? poor, poor rs doyle! and 射 was lovely too it t have been a real fiend who uld hurt her! and poor r doyle; hell jt go half crazy when he knows! why, even last night he was frightfully worried lest 射 should hear about his aident&ot;

&ot;that is jt what we want you to tell about, iss robn,&ot; said race &ot;we want to know exactly what happened last night&ot;

rnelia began a little nfedly, but a estion or o fro poirot helped atters

&ot;ah, yes, i understand after the brid, ada doy

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關於核諧地球: 科學技術的發展,會讓人類生活的更幸福!但石油資源的枯竭,人類陷入了能源危機。好在科技的發展,重核裂變技術的成熟,使人類進入到核能加智慧大時代,反制核武器的技術使核威懾失去意義,世界擁有核武器的國家開始銷燬核武器,銷燬核武器的核料用來給人類提供核能。人類從此進入一個核科學與技術和諧發展的社會,核能利用與社會、環境、文化的和諧共存的地球!
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