
parked and then the fire roared in the stove and the second time Mrs。 Guttingen came into the room she brought big chunks of wood for the fire and a pitcher of hot water。 When the room was warm she brought in breakfast。 Sitting up in bed eating breakfast we could see the lake and the mountains across the lake on the French side。 There was snow on the tops of the mountains and the lake was a gray steel…blue。

Outside; in front of the chalet a road went up the mountain。 The wheel ruts and ridges were iron hard with the frost; and the road climbed steadily through the forest and up and around the mountain to where there were meadows; and barns and cabins in the meadows at the edge of the woods looking across the valley。 The valley was deep and there was a stream at the bottom that flowed down into the lake and when the wind blew across the valley you could hear the stream in the rocks。

Sometimes we went off the road and on a path through the pine forest。 The floor of the forest was soft to walk on; the frost did not harden it as it did the road。 But we did not mind the hardness of the road because we had nails in the soles and heels of our boots and the heel nails bit on the frozen ruts and with nailed boots it was good walking on the road and invigorating。 But it was lovely walking in the woods。

In front of the house where we lived the mountain went down steeply to the little plain along the lake and we sat on the porch of the house in the sun and saw th

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關於老婆給了一巴掌,宿主說爽到了: ++(非單元劇)江遇打坐時被一個自稱為“以下犯上”組001號的系統繫結了,按照要求他需要穿梭在三千世界中,完成原主願望的同時收集“以下犯上”值。江遇:這把我最拿手了在娛樂圈文學中,他是十八線小明星,在見面第一晚就反將自家“總裁”欺負了在霸總文學中,他是霸總公司的熱情男大,精力總是格外旺盛......以下犯上值還用特意去收集嗎,江遇表示soeasy的
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