
slapped my arms to keep the circulation going。 I had woven underwear and I did not think I would catch cold if I kept moving。 They had taken my pistol at the road and I put the holster under my coat。 I had no cape and it was cold in the rain。 I started up the bank of the canal。 It was daylight and the country was wet; low and dismal looking。 The fields were bare and wet; a long way away I could see a campanile rising out of the plain。 I came up onto a road。 Ahead I saw some troops ing down the road。 I limped along the side of the road and they passed me and paid no attention to me。 They were a machine…gun detachment going up toward the river。 I went on down the road。

That day I crossed the Venetian plain。 It is a low level country and under the rain it is even flatter。 Toward the sea there are salt marshes and very few roads。 The roads all go along the river mouths to the sea and to cross the country you must go along the paths beside the canals。 I was working across the country from the north to the south and had crossed two railway lines and many roads and finally I came out at the end of a path onto a railway line where it ran beside a marsh。 It was the main line from Venice to Trieste; with a high solid embankment; a solid roadbed and double track。 Down the tracks a way was a flag…station and I could see soldiers on guard。 Up the line there was a bridge over a stream that flowed into the marsh。 I could see a guard too at the bridge。 Crossing the fields to the n

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關於老婆給了一巴掌,宿主說爽到了: ++(非單元劇)江遇打坐時被一個自稱為“以下犯上”組001號的系統繫結了,按照要求他需要穿梭在三千世界中,完成原主願望的同時收集“以下犯上”值。江遇:這把我最拿手了在娛樂圈文學中,他是十八線小明星,在見面第一晚就反將自家“總裁”欺負了在霸總文學中,他是霸總公司的熱情男大,精力總是格外旺盛......以下犯上值還用特意去收集嗎,江遇表示soeasy的
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