
reat; to bear her pany and be at hand to give her aid in the paroxysms; when my wife is prompted by her familiar to burn people in their beds at night; to stab them; to bite their flesh from their bones; and so on—”

“Sir;” I interrupted him; “you are inexorable for that unfortunate lady: you speak of her with hate—with vindictive antipathy。 It is cruel—she cannot help being mad。”

“Jane; my little darling (so I will call you; for so you are); you don’t know what you are talking about; you misjudge me again: it is not because she is mad I hate her。 If you were mad; do you think I should hate you?”

“I do indeed; sir。”

“Then you are mistaken; and you know nothing about me; and nothing about the sort of love of which I am capable。 Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear。 Your mind is my treasure; and if it were broken; it would be my treasure still: if you raved; my arms should confine you; and not a strait waistcoat—your grasp; even in fury; would have a charm for me: if you flew at me as wildly as that woman did this morning; I should receive you in an embrace; at least as fond as it would be restrictive。 I should not shrink from you with disgust as I did from her: in your quiet moments you should have no watcher and no nurse but me; and I could hang over you with untiring tenderness; though you gave me no smile in return; and never weary of gazing into your eyes; though they had no longer a ray

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