englishan ever killed a raven? well, then, the ti ofthis good kg that fao order of chivalry of the knights of theround table was stituted, and the aour of don lancelot of thelake with the een guevere ourred, precisely as is there related,the go-beeen and nfidante there beg the highly honourable datanona, whence ca that ballad well known and widely spread our spa-
o never surely was there knight
served by hand of da,
as served was he sir lancelot hight
when he fro brita ca-with all the sweet and delectable urse of his achievents loveand war handed down fro that ti, then, this order of chivalry wenton extendg and spreadg itself over any and vario parts of theworld; and it, fao and renowned for their deeds, were the ightyaadis of gaul with all his ns and descendants to the fifthneration, and the valiant felixarte of hircania, and the neversufficiently praised tirante el blan, and our own days alose have seen and heard and talked with the vcible knight donbelianis of greece this, then, sirs, is to be a knight-errant, andwhat i have spoken of is the order of his chivalry, of which, as ihave already said, i, though a sner, have ade profession, andwhat the aforesaid knights professed that sa do i profess, and i go through these litudes and wilds seekg adventures, relved ul to oppose y ar and pern to the ost perilo that fortune ayoffer aid of the weak and needy&ot;
by these words of his the travellers were able to satisfy theselvef don ixote&