d, the work of an ia aker, which he had seenat adrid, don antonio ade this one at ho for his own aent andto astonish ignorant people; and its 插nis was as follows thetable was of wood pated and varni射d to iitate jasper, and thepedestal on which it stood was of the sa aterial, with four eagles&039;claws projectg fro it to support the weight ore steadily thehead, which resebled a bt or figure of a roan eperor, and wasloured like bronze, was hollow throughout, as was the table, towhich it was fitted exactly that no trace of the jog wasvisible the pedestal of the table was al hollow and unicatedwith the throat and neck of the head, and the whole was unication with another roo underneath the 插ber which thehead stood through the entire cavity the pedestal, table, throatand neck of the bt or figure, there passed a tube of t carefullyadjted and ncealed fro sight the roo below rrespondgto the one above was placed the pern who was to answer, with hiuth to the tube, and the voice, as an ear-trupet, passed froabove downwards, and fro below uards, the words g clearlyand distctly; it was ipossible, th, to detect the trick a nephewof don antonio&039;s, a sart sharp-witted student, was the answerer,and as he had been told beforehand by his uncle who the perns werethat would e with hi that day to the 插ber where the head was,it was an easy atter for hi to answer the first estion at once andrrectly; the others he answered by guess-work, and, beg clever,cleverly cide hate adds that this arve