; different as they might have been in size and sex and skin color; had exactly the same eyes: woeful; sad; and distant。 Dying eyes。
〃e to bed;〃 my wife said at last。 〃e to bed with me; Paul。〃
So I did; and we made love; and when it was over she went to sleep。 As I lay there watching the moon grin and listening to the walls tick … they were at last pulling in; exchanging summer for fall … I thought about John Coffey saying he had helped it。 I helped Del's mouse。 I helped Mr。 Jingles。 He's a circus mouse。 Sure。 And maybe; I thought; we were all circus mice; running around with only the dimmest awareness that God and all His heavenly host were watching us in our Bakelite houses through our ivy…glass windows。
I slept a little as the day began to lighten … two hours; I guess; maybe three; and I slept the way I always sleep these days here in Georgia Pines and hardly ever did then; in thin little licks。 What I went to sleep thinking about was the churches youth。 The names changed; depending on the whims of my mother and her sisters; but they were all really the same; all The First Backwoods Church of Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty。 In the shadow of those blunt; square steeples; the concept of atonement came up as regularly as the toll of the bell which called the faithful to worship。 Only God could forgive sins; could and did; washing them away in the agonal blood of His crucified Son; but that did not change the responsibility of His children to atone for t