
have no fear。 Do with me and for me as you like; but excuse me from much discourse—my breath is short—I feel a spasm when I speak。” All three surveyed me; and all three were silent。

“Hannah;” said Mr。 St。 John; at last; “let her sit there at present; and ask her no questions; in ten minutes more; give her the remainder of that milk and bread。 Mary and Diana; let us go into the parlour and talk the matter over。”

They withdrew。 Very soon one of the ladies returned—I could not tell which。 A kind of pleasant stupor was stealing over me as I sat by the genial fire。 In an undertone she gave some directions to Hannah。 Ere long; with the servant’s aid; I contrived to mount a staircase; my dripping clothes were removed; soon a warm; dry bed received me。 I thanked God—experienced amidst unutterable exhaustion a glow of grateful joy—and slept。

Chapter 29

The recollection of about three days and nights succeeding this is very dim in my mind。 I can recall some sensations felt in that interval; but few thoughts framed; and no actions performed。 I knew I was in a small room and in a narrow bed。 To that bed I seemed to have grown; I lay on it motionless as a stone; and to have torn me from it would have been almost to kill me。 I took no note of the lapse of time—of the change from morning to noon; from noon to evening。 I observed when any one entered or left the apartment: I could even tell who they were; I could understand what was said when the speaker stood

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許歲歡最後悔的事情,就是在霍其拋棄她時,沾染上顧堇那條瘋狗。男人步步算計和威逼,只為一句:“求我。”宋歲歡:“求狗都不求你。”顧堇:“汪汪&s;&s;”心狠手辣男狐狸白切黑清純小白花如果您喜歡不可方物,別忘記分享給朋友. 作者:酒笙歌所寫的《不可方物》無彈窗免費全文閱讀為轉載作品,章節由網友釋出。
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殿上歡 出書版完結

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關於上班摸魚,結果同事竟是集團千金: +++考上985後就擺爛的陸管大四那年差點延畢,靠著名校的光環才勉強找到一份大廠實習工作,成為一名“聰明絕頂”的IT程式猿。入職當天繫結摸魚抽獎系統,只要完成摸魚任務,就能獲得獎勵。本以為能在公司裡靠摸魚就能混得飛起的時候,誰知道新來的高挑御姐型同事竟然是自己的大學同學!高冷只是她的外表色,悶騷才是美女的真性情!最最重要的是她還是集團背後財閥大佬的女兒!!!
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