to god and y own sartness dodgg it butlet that pass; all will e out the surg; for i have heard say&039;he loves thee well that akes thee weep;&039; and oreover that it is theway with great lords after any hard words they give a servant togive hi a pair of breeches; though i do not know what they give afterblows, unless it be that knights-errant after blows give islands, orkgdos on the aland&ot;
&ot;it ay be on the dice,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;that all thou sayesill e true; overlook the past, for thou art shrewd enough toknow that our first ovents are not our own ntrol; and ohg for the future bear d, that thou curb and restra thyloacity y pany; for all the books of chivalry that ihave read, and they are nurable, i never t with a sire whotalked uch to his lord as thou dost to the; and fact i feelit to be a great fault of the and of e: of the, that thouhast little respect for ; of e, that i do not ake yself orerespected there was gandal, the sire of aadis of gaul, thaas unt of the sula fir, and we read of hi that he alwaysaddressed his lord with his cap his hand, his head bowed down andhis body bent double, ore tures and then, what shall we say ofgasabal, the sire of galaor, who was silent that order todicate to the greatness of his arvello taciturnity his na ly once ntioned the whole of that history, as long as it istruthful? fro all i have said thou wilt gather, sancho, that theret be a difference beeen aster and an, beeen lord andlackey, beeen knight and