第195頁 (第3/7頁)
llo ntrivance stoodfor ten or elve days; but that, as it beca noised abroadthrough the city that he had his hoe an en插nted head thatanswered all who asked estions of it, don antonio, fearg itight e to the ears of the watchful sentels of our faith,expned the atter to the isitors, who anded hi to break itup and have done with it, lest the ignorant vulgar should bescandalised by don ixote, however, and by sancho the head was stillheld to be an en插nted one, and capable of answerg estions,though ore to don ixote&039;s satisfaction than sancho&039;s
the ntlen of the city, to gratify don antonio and al to do thehonours to don ixote, and give hi an opportunity of displayghis folly, ade arrannts for a tiltg at the rg six daysfro that ti, which, however, for rean that will be ntionedhereafter, did not take place
don ixote took a fancy to stroll about the city ietly and onfoot, for he feared that if he went on horseback the boys would followhi; he and sancho and o servants that don antonio gave hi setout for a walk th it ca to pass that gog along one of thestreets don ixote lifted up his eyes and saw written very larletters over a door, &ot;books prted here,&ot; at which he was vastlypleased, for until then he had never seen a prtg office, and hewas curio to know what it was like he entered with all hisfollog, and saw the drag 射ets one place, rrectg another, settg up type here, revisg there; short all the workthat is to be seen great prtg offices he went up to one