第17頁 (第1/7頁)
&ot;that is ipossible,&ot; said don ixote: &ot;i say it is ipossible thatthere uld be a knight-errant without a lady, becae to such it isas natural and proper to be love as to the heavens to have stars:ost certaly no history has been seen which there is to befound a knight-errant without an aour, and for the siple rean thaithout one he would be held no legitiate knight but a bastard, andone who had gaed entrance to the stronghold of the saidknighthood, not by the door, but over the wall like a thief and arobber&ot;
&ot;nevertheless,&ot; said the traveller, &ot;if i reber rightly, ithk i have read that don galaor, the brother of the valiant aadif gaul, never had any special lady to who he ight ndhiself, and yet he was not the less esteed, and was a very stoutand fao knight&ot;
to which our don ixote ade answer, &ot;sir, one litary swallowdoes not ake sur; oreover, i know that knight was secretvery deeply love; besides which, that way of fallg love withall that took his fancy was a natural propensity which he uld notntrol but, short, it is very anifest that he had one alone whohe ade istress of his will, to who he nded hiself veryfreently and very secretly, for he prided hiself on beg areticent knight&ot;
&ot;then if it be essential that every knight-errant should be love,&ot; said the traveller, &ot;it ay be fairly supposed that yourworship is , as you are of the order; and if you do not prideyourself on beg as reticent as don galaor, i entreat y