第202頁 (第3/8頁)
re of the pa of whippg to the other of icwill your worship let sleep, and not worry about whippgyself? or you&039;ll ake swear never to touch a hair of y doublet,not to say y flesh&ot;
&ot;o hard heart!&ot; said don ixote, &ot;o pitiless sire! o breadill-bestowed and favours ill-acknowledd, both those i have done theeand those i an to do thee! through hast thou seen thyself agovernor, and through thou seest thyself idiate expectationof beg a unt, or obtag other eivalent title, for i-post tenebras spero ce&ot;
&ot;i don&039;t know what that is,&ot; said sancho; &ot;all i know is that long as i a asleep i have neither fear nor hope, trouble nor glory;and good ck betide hi that vented sleep, the cloak that verver all a an&039;s thoughts, the food that reoves hunr, the drkthat drives away thirst, the fire that wars the ld, the ld thattepers the heat, and, to d up with, the universal wherewitheverythg is bought, the weight and balance that akes the 射pherdeal with the kg and the fool with the wise an sleep, i haveheard say, has only one fault, that it is like death; for beeen asleepg an and a dead an there is very little difference&ot;
&ot;never have i heard thee speak elegantly as now, sancho,&ot; saiddon ixote; &ot;and here i beg to see the truth of the proverb thoudost tis ote, &039;not with who thou art bred, but with who thouart fed&039;&ot;
&ot;ha, by y life, aster e,&ot; said sancho, &ot;it&039;s not i that astrgg proverbs now, for they d