第201頁 (第5/7頁)
ises y verses i&039;ll showhow 插ste y passion is, for i&039; not gog to look &039;for betterbread than ever ca fro wheat&039; other n&039;s hoes it won&039;t dofor the curate to have a 射pherdess, for the sake of good exaple;and if the bachelor chooses to have one, that is his look-out&ot;
&ot;god bless , sancho y friend!&ot; said don ixote, &ot;what a lifewe shall lead! what hautboys and zaora bagpipes we shall hear, whattabors, tibrels, and rebecks! and then if aong all these differentrts of ic that of the albogues is heard, alost all thepastoral strunts will be there&ot;
&ot;what are albogues?&ot; asked sancho, &ot;for i never y life heardtell of the or saw the&ot;
&ot;albogues,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;are brass plates like candlesticksthat struck agast one another on the hollow side ake a noise which,if not very pleasg or haronio, is not disagreeable and aordsvery well with the rude notes of the bagpipe and tabor the wordalbogue is oris, as are all those our spanish tongue thatbeg with al; for exaple, alohaza, alorzar, alhobra, alguacil,alhucea, alacen, alcancia, and others of the sa rt, of whichthere are not any ore; our langua has only three that areoris and end i, which are borcegui, zaizai, and aravedialheli and alfai are seen to be arabic, as well by the al at thebegng as by the they end with i ntion this cidentally, the插nce alsion to albogues havg reded of it; and it will beof great assistance to the perfect practice of this callg thati a