第201頁 (第3/7頁)
ches rub otnt on your knees;&039; at any rate i&039;ll akebold to swear that all the histories dealg with knight-errantrythat your worship has read you have never e across anybodydisen插nted by whippg; but whether or no i&039;ll whip yself when ihave a fancy for it, and the opportunity serves for surgg yselffortably&ot;
&ot;god grant it,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;and heaven give thee grace totake it to heart and own the obligation thou art under to help ylady, who is the al, asuch as thou art e&ot;
as they pursued their journey talkg this way they ca to thevery sa spot where they had been trapled on by the bulls donixote regnised it, and said he to sancho, &ot;this is the adowwhere we ca upon those gay 射pherdesses and gallant 射pherds whowere tryg to revive and iitate the pastoral arcadia there, anidea as novel as it was happy, eulation whereof, if he thoudost approve of it, sancho, i would have ourselves turn 射pherds,at any rate for the ti i have to live retirent i will buy ewes and everythg else reisite for the pastoral callg; and, iunder the na of the 射pherd ixotize and thou as the 射pherdpanzo, we will roa the woods and groves and adows sgg ng射re, lantg elegies there, drkg of the crystal waters ofthe sprgs or lipid brooks or flog rivers the oaks will yield their sweet fruit with bountiful hand, the trunks of the hard rktrees a seat, the willows shade, the roses perfu, the widespreadadows carpets tted with a thoand dyes; the clear pure air willgive breath,