
&ot;the fal draa was perfectly planned and tid there was a sleepg draught for , case i ight put an nvenient fr the pie there was the selection of adeoiselle robn as a witness - the workg up of the scene, adeoiselle de belleforts exagrated reorse and hysterics 射 ade a good deal of noise, case the shot should be heard en vérité, it was an extraordarily clever idea jacele says 射 has shot doyle; adeoiselle robn says ; fanthorp says - and when sions leg is exaed he has been shot it looks unanswerable! for both of the there is a perfect alibi - at the st, it is true, of a certa aount of pa and risk to sion doyle, but it is necessary that his wound should defitely disable hi

&ot;and then the plan goes wrong louise bourt has been wakeful 射 has e up the stairway and 射 has seen sion doyle run along to his wifes cab and e back easy enough to piece tother what has happened the follog day and 射 akes her greedy bid for hh oney, and dog signs her death warrant&ot;

&ot;but r doyle uldnt have killed her?&ot; rnelia objected

&ot;no, the other partner did that urder as on as he can, sion doyle asks to see jacele he even asks to leave the alone tother he tells her then of the new danr they t act at once he knows where bessners scalpels are kept after the cri the scalpel is wiped and returned, and then, very late and rather out of breath, jacele de bellefort hurries to nch

&ot;and still all is not well, for ada otterbourne has seen jacele go

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