第30頁 (第3/4頁)
&ot;no i want to tell everyone - everyone on the boat -&ot;
&ot;it is too danro, ada the sea is too rough you ight be swept overboard&ot;
rs otterbourne looked at hi doubtfully
&ot;you thk you really thk ?&ot;
&ot;i do&ot;
he was suessful rs otterbourne wavered, faltered and re-entered her cab poirots nostrils itched once or ice then he nodded and walked on to where rosalie otterbourne was sittg beeen rs allerton and ti
&ot;your other wants you, adeoiselle&ot;
射 had been laughg ite happily now her face clouded over 射 shot a ick spicio look at hi and hurried along the deck
&ot;i cant ake that child out,&ot; said rs allerton &ot;射 varies one day 射s friendly; the next day 射s positively rude&ot;
&ot;thoroughly spoilt and bad-tepered,&ot; said ti
rs allerton shook her head
&ot;no i dont thk its that i thk 射s unhappy&ot;
ti shrugd his shoulders
&ot;oh, well, i suppose weve all got our private troubles&ot; his voice unded hard and curt
a boog noise was heard
&ot;nch,&ot; cried rs allerton delightedly &ot;i starvg&ot;
that eveng, poirot noticed that rs allerton was sittg talkg to iss van schuyler as he passed, rs allerton closed one eye and opened it aga 射 was sayg, &ot;of urse at calfries castle the dear duke -&ot;
rnelia, released fro attendance, was out on the deck 射 was listeng to dr bessner, who was structg her what ponderoly egyptology as culled fro