ider yselfhappier and richer than if fortune had raised to her greatestheight the ordary way the poor an ay reta honour, but notthe vicio; poverty ay cast a cloud over nobility, but cannot hideit altother; and as virtue of itself 射ds a certa light, eventhough it be through the straits and chks of penury, it s theestee of lofty and noble spirits, and nseence theirprotection thou needst say no ore to hi, nor will i say anythgore to thee, save to tell thee to bear d that this sendpart of &ot;don ixote&ot; which i offer thee is cut by the sacraftsan and fro the sa cloth as the first, and that it ipresent thee don ixote ntued, and at length dead and buried, that no one ay dare to brg forward any further evidenceagast hi, for that already produced is sufficient; and sufficeit, too, that reputable pern should have given an aount ofall these shrewd nacies of his without gog to the atteraga; for abundance, even of good thgs, prevents the fro begvaed; and scarcity, even the case of what is bad, nfers acerta vae i was fettg to tell thee that thou ayest expectthe &ot;persiles,&ot; which i a now fishg, and al the send partof &ot;galatea&ot;
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