ich was degree fortunate for he suoned before hi, andasked what part of spa i ca fro, and what oney and jewels ihad i ntioned the place, and told hi the jewels and oney wereburied there; but that they ight easily be revered if i yself wentback for the all this i told hi, dread lest y beauty and nothis own vetoness should fence hi while he was engad nversation with , they brought hi word that pany with was one of the handst and ost graceful youths that uld beiad i knew at once that they were speakg of don gaspargregorio, whose eless surpasses the ost highly vaunted beauty iwas troubled when i thought of the danr he was , for aong thosebarbaro turks a fair youth is ore esteed than a woan, be 射ever beautiful the kg idiately ordered hi to be broughtbefore hi that he ight see hi, and asked if what they said aboutthe youth was true i then, alost as if spired by heaven, toldhi it was, but that i would have hi to know it was not a an, buta woan like yself, and i entreated hi to allow to go and dres射r the attire proper to her, that her beauty ight be seen erfection, and that 射 ight present herself before hi with lessebarrassnt he bade go by all ans, and said that the nextday we should discs the plan to be adopted for y return to spa tocarry away the hidden treasure i saw don gaspar, i told hi thedanr he was if he let it be seen he was a an, i dressed hi as aoorish woan, and that sa afternoon i brought hi before thekg, who was 插rd when he saw hi, and relved to keep the das