ight have left alone, for i neverade her fall love or srned her i don&039;t know nor can i iahow the revery of altisidora, a dasel ore fanciful than wise,can have, as i have said before, anythg to do with the suffergs ofsancho panza now i beg to see pnly and clearly that there areen插nters and en插nted people the world; and ay god deliver fro the, sce i can&039;t deliver yself; and i beg of yourworship to let sleep and not ask any ore estions, unlessyou want to throw yself out of the dow&ot;
&ot;sleep, sancho y friend,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;if the pproddg andpches thou hast received and the sacks adistered to thee willlet thee&ot;
&ot;no pa ca up to the sult of the sacks,&ot; said sancho, &ot;for thesiple rean that it was duennas, nfound the, that gave the to; but once ore i entreat your worship to let sleep, for sleep isrelief fro isery to those who are iserable when awake&ot;
&ot;be it , and god be with thee,&ot; said don ixote
they fell asleep, both of the, and cide hate, the author ofthis great history, took this opportunity to rerd and relate what ias that duced the duke and duchess to t up the elaborate plotthat has been described the bachelor san carras, he says, notfettg how he as the knight of the irrors had been vani射d andoverthrown by don ixote, which defeat and overthrow upset all hisplans, relved to try his hand aga, hopg for better ck thanhe had before; and , havg learned where don ixote was fro thepa who brought the letter a