
below it。 She made reasonable progress; entertained for me a vivacious; though perhaps not very profound; affection; and by her simplicity; gay prattle; and efforts to please; inspired me; in return; with a degree of attachment sufficient to make us both content in each other’s society。

This; par parenthèse; will be thought cool language by persons who entertain solemn doctrines about the angelic nature of children; and the duty of those charged with their education to conceive for them an idolatrous devotion: but I am not writing to flatter parental egotism; to echo cant; or prop up humbug; I am merely telling the truth。 I felt a conscientious solicitude for Adèle’s welfare and progress; and a quiet liking for her little self: just as I cherished towards Mrs。 Fairfax a thankfulness for her kindness; and a pleasure in her society proportionate to the tranquil regard she had for me; and the moderation of her mind and character。

Anybody may blame me who likes; when I add further; that; now and then; when I took a walk by myself in the grounds; when I went down to the gates and looked through them along the road; or when; while Adèle played with her nurse; and Mrs。 Fairfax made jellies in the storeroom; I climbed the three staircases; raised the trap…door of the attic; and having reached the leads; looked out afar over sequestered field and hill; and along dim sky…line—that then I longed for a power of vision which might overpass that limit; which might reach the b

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