第54頁 (第1/4頁)
r fergon got rather red
&ot;i can stick by y friends anyway,&ot; he said gruffly
&ot;well, r fergon, i thk thats all we need for the present,&ot; said race as the door closed behd fergon he rearked unexpectedly, &ot;rather a likable young cub, really&ot;
&ot;you dont thk he is the an you are after?&ot; asked poirot
&ot;i hardly thk i suppose he is on board the ration was very precise oh, well, one job at a ti lets have a go at penngton&ot;
插pter 17
andrew penngton displayed all the nventional reactions of grief and shock he was, as ual, carefully dressed he had 插nd to a black tie his long clean-shaven face bore a bewildered expression
&ot;ntlen,&ot; he said sadly, &ot;this bess has got right down! little l - why, i reber her as the cutest little thg you can ia how proud of her lhuish ridway ed to be, too! well, theres no pot gog to that jt tell what i can do; thats all i ask&ot;
race said, &ot;to beg with, r penngton, did you hear anythg last night?&ot;
&ot;no, sir, i cant say i did i have the cab right next to dr bessners, nuber forty - forty-one, and i heard a certa otion gog on there round about idnight or of urse i didnt know what it was at the ti&ot;
&ot;you heard nothg else? no shots?&ot;
andrew penngton shook his head
&ot;nothg whatever of that kd&ot;
&ot;and you went to bed at what ti?&ot;
&ot;t have been ti after eleven&ot;
he leant forward