
hettis hands flew expressively up the air

his answers were propt he had gone to bed early - very early fact idiately after dner he had read for a while - a very terestg paphlet lately publi射d - prдhistorische forschung kleasien - throg an entirely new light on the pated pottery of the anatolian foothills

he had put out his light ti before eleven no, he had not heard any shot nor any und like the pop of a rk the only thg he had heard - but that was later, the iddle of the night - was a splash, a big splash, jt near his porthole

&ot;your cab is on the lower deck, on the starboard side, is it not?&ot;

&ot;yes, yes, that is and i hear the big splash&ot; his ars flew up once ore to describe the bigness of the splash

&ot;can you tell at all what ti that was?&ot;

signor richetti reflected

&ot;it was one, o, three hours after i go to sleep perhaps o hours&ot;

&ot;about ten utes past one, for stance?&ot;

&ot;it ight very well be, yes ah! but what a terrible cri - how huan 插rg a woan&ot;

exit signor richetti, still sticulatg freely

race looked at poirot poirot raised his eyebrows expressively, then shrugd his shoulders they passed on to r fergon

fergon was difficult he sprawled lently a 插ir

&ot;grand to-do about this bess!&ot; he sneered &ot;whats it really atter? lot of superfo won the world!&ot;

race said ldly, &ot;can we have an aount of your ovents last night, r fergon?&ot;

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關於核諧地球: 科學技術的發展,會讓人類生活的更幸福!但石油資源的枯竭,人類陷入了能源危機。好在科技的發展,重核裂變技術的成熟,使人類進入到核能加智慧大時代,反制核武器的技術使核威懾失去意義,世界擁有核武器的國家開始銷燬核武器,銷燬核武器的核料用來給人類提供核能。人類從此進入一個核科學與技術和諧發展的社會,核能利用與社會、環境、文化的和諧共存的地球!
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