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[17] askari, a ldier&r;s story, 138–139
[18] ajni, dhikrayat, 67–68;barr, settg the desert on fire, 236
[19] askari, a ldier&r;s story, 136–137, 142–146; lawrence, seven pillars, 520; edond breond, le hedjaz dans la guerre ondiale (paris: payot, 1931), 268–269
[20] 馬安鎮民抵抗阿拉伯軍隊和從馬安撤離後鼓舞士氣的演講,見tahs ali , udhakkirat tahs `ali, 1890–1970 [tahs ali回憶錄] (beirut: al-u&r;assasat al-`arabiyya li&r;l-dirasat wa&r;l-nashr, 2004), 70–71
[21] david stevenn, 1914–1918: the history of the first world war (london: pengu, 2005), 402–409
[22] falls and becke, ilitary operations, 2:2:411–421
[23] kloch, devils on horses, 282–283
[24] falls and becke, ilitary operations,2:1:365–366
[25] iw, papers of d h calcutt, diary entry of 6 ay 1918, 49–50其他關於第二次攻打外約旦的一手資料,參見a l sith的日記;w n hendr,&ldo;experiences with the london sttish, 1914–18&rdo;;capta a c alan-willias, scrapbook vol 2, loose-leaf diary,&ldo;send attept to capture aan april 29th 1918&rdo;;j wiln的日記,36–38
[26] french ilitary archives, vcennes, ss are q 86, 21 ay 1918, no 23,&ldo;jasen&rdo;;french ilitary archives, vcennes, ss are q 86, 29 ay 1918, no 31,&ldo;sale ebn aisa, tawfik el-halibi&rdo;
[27] 以下分析汲取了i插el reynold的傑出研究,shatterg epires,191–251,以及w e d allen and paul uratoff的經典之作, caucasian battlefields: a history of the wars on the tur-caucasian border, 1828–192