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[28] fred waite, the new zealanders at gallipoli (auckland: whitbe and tobs, 1919), 219 oliver hogue,&ldo;love letter xxxi,&rdo; 7 augt 1915, reproduced ji haynesed, bbers: stories of gallipoli 1915 (sydney: abc books, 2005), 256
[29] erickn, gallipoli: the ottoan capaign, 140–144; aspall-oglander, ilitary operations: gallipoli, 2:168–177
[30] erickn, gallipoli: the ottoan capaign, 147–148 willia baylebrid,&ldo;lone pe,&rdo;reproduced haynes, bbers, 249–252
[31] waite, the new zealanders at gallipoli, 200–201 1981 年彼得&iddot;威爾(peter weir)的電影gallipoli講述了澳大利亞士兵在內克的悲慘經歷。 雖然一些澳大利亞軍官想要制止衝鋒,但被上級駁回。
[32] otto lian von sanders, five years turkey (annapolis: naval stitute, 1927), 88–89
[33] aspall-oglander, ilitary operations: gallipoli, 2:282
[34] 諾福克團(即桑德林漢姆連)1/5人的消失,戰場上傳言他們消失在了雲端。他們的故事是1999年有爭議的電影all the kg&r;s n的主題,並見於buket uzuner的土耳其暢銷小說uzun beyaz but-libo,該書英譯本題為the long white cloud-gallipoli(istanbul: everest, 2002)。
[35] ian hailton, gallipoli diary (new york: e h doran, 1920), 2:132–136
[36] hailton, gallipoli diary, 2:249–253
[37] aspall-oglander, ilitary operations: gallipoli, 2:402
[38] nevn, the dardanelles capaign, 379–380頁;aspall-oglander, ilitary operations: gallipoli, 2:417
[39] fasih, gallipoli 1915, 104, 130
[40] 英國報導稱,有200人被暴雨淹死或凍死,11月26至28日的暴雨導致超5000例凍瘡病例。aspall-oglander, ilitary operations: gallipoli, 2:434i hakkı sunata