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[39] dou, l&r;attae, 79–80; e unn and cyril falls, ilitary operations: egypt and paleste fro the outbreak of war with rany to june 1917 (london: h: 1928), 29
[40] unn and falls, ilitary operations, 25
[41] iw, p 158, private papers of lieutenant lonel h v ll, docunts 10048, diary entries of 24 to 28 january 1915
[42] nara, istanbul vol 293,&ldo;the egyptian capaign of the turkish ary,&rdo; 美國駐耶路撒冷副領事s edelan的報告,1915年3月20日。
[43] iw, rn, p 389, papers of ander h v ates, docunts 10871, translations of ottoan ary orders for the attack on the suez canal, 1 february 1915
[44] dou, l&r;attae, 92
[45] 塔爾加曼將自己的戰爭經歷與女兒西哈姆聯絡在一起,寫在daughter of daasc(at: center for iddle eastern studies, 1994), 166–199頁。本次引用於180頁。
[46] dou, l&r;attae, 96,以及unn and falls, ilitary operations, 39,講述了&ldo;聖戰志願者&rdo;如何打破寂靜,讓狗吠叫起來;根據奧斯曼軍戰鬥指令的譯文副本,來自非洲的黎波里的聖戰士(ujahid)被派往 serapeu附近,即衝突發生的所在;iw, rn p 389, papers of ander h v ates
[47] teran, daughter of daasc, 181
[48] ahad shafiq, hawliyat asr al-siyasiyya [埃及政治年鑑] (cairo: shafiq pasha press, 1926), 1:81
[49] dou, l&r;attae, 100–102;unn andfalls, ilitary operations, 43–45
[50] ali ihsan sâbis, birci d&uul;nya harbi, 346–347;djeal pasha, ories, 157
[51] un and falls, ilitary operations, 50;djeal pasha, ories, 159
[52] 關於suleyan askeri,參見philip h stoddard,&ldo;the ottoan governnt and the arabs, 1911 to 1918: a preliary study of the teşki