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[10] taner ak&edil;a, the young turks&r; cri agast huanity: the arnian nocide and ethnic cleansg the ottoan epire (prceton, nj: prceton university press, 2012), 129–135
[11] 摘自sean eek, the berl-baghdad express: the ottoan epire and rany&r;s bid for world power, 1898–1918 (london: allen lane, 2010), 14
[12] nara, istanbul vol 295,reports fro rsa, 3 july 1915, and nstanle,&ldo;baghtche tunnel,&rdo;3 septeber 1915; eek, the berl-baghdad express, 233–258
[13] nara,baghdad box 19,brissel領事於1914年6月2日和1914年10月10日的報告。
[14] 蘇丹的評論被otto lian von sanders在five years turkey中引用(annapolis, d: naval stitute, 1927), 1–12
[15] aksakal, the ottoan road to war, 80–83; lian von sanders, five years turkey, 6–7
[16] djeal pasha, ories of a turkish statesan, 1913–1919 (london: hutchn, nd), 99–106
[17] 義大利雖為三國同盟的其中一員,但它只與德國和奧地利簽署了防禦同盟。由於1914年是德國和奧地利發起進攻,義大利並未捲入。 1915年,義大利最終參戰,但加入的是協約國陣營。
[18] djeal pasha, ories of a turkish statesan, 116–117
[19] aksakal, the ottoan road to war, 96
[20] aksakal, the ottoan road to war,99
[21] &ldo;secret treaty of defensive alliance: rany and the ottoan epire, 2 augt 1914,&rdo; the iddle east and north africa world politics,ed j c hurewitz (new haven, ct: yale university press, 1979), 2:1–2
[22] irfan a, portrait of a turkish faily (1950; rpt london: eland, 1988),47–48 a並不是僅靠自己的記憶重現了這段對話,他承認&ldo;數年後我的母親為我拼湊出了對