這時,有兩個長得像是愛因斯塔大的人;一個叫做dralbert還有一個僅僅是個碩士,但是也在研究,叫做rwolfswztizs;說道:&ldo;although we are not really show the ti le, but we can g the appoxiately ti le, such as 1940, that will be fe even we cannot return, however that still as the good practice i dont thk the people of the world factory can research and produce this high level of the ache to ntrol their space crossg well
聽完這個話,馬裡奧剛想說話,此時參謀長聯席會議主席oris中將說道; what, dralbert and r wolfswazrtc,(一種白人典型對大衛王子孫的汙衊和調侃),wold忍著氣說道, y plan, i thk we can dog the space crossg y theorical to say, i thk becae we cannot nfir the tile al we cannot nfir where will we detailly arrive, al we g the laser and supernic wave to bee the ajor energy the space crossg ache(要是看過第一卷的人都知道,李權虎使用的是對撞儀,地能,電磁能以及地心引力和相對論去當做穿越的動力和指導;但是他們使用的光波和聲波理論,於是乎這個的必然力量就小一些,而且不算很準。)
接著,dralbert說道,but we only can trans at best 500 n and the light weapon of fantery to the 1940s, al we are not very sure about the detail of the ti le and then, we have to wait for the energy is save well, we can return 他和energy reire about 100,000,000,000,000 trillion of hz per ti of the space transfer
這時,一個g國的科學家說道;(他說的是普魯士語,如此使用中文對白):這樣大的赫茲如何去完成,此時的albert說肯定得產生很多千萬的電,使用電再去轉換成赫茲,最後積累到穿梭儀器那裡去。這時一個j國科學家使用不太流利的英語說道,zhis ais how go? a國總統馬裡奧說道,pls speakg english? 他其實說的就是英語,只不過是大和英語罷了。