第211頁 (第2/4頁)
! don&039;t you see, you brute, that y dog is archer?&ot; and , repeatg the word &ot;rcher&ot; aga and aga, hesent the adan away beaten to a jelly the adan took the lesnto heart, and vani射d, and for ore than a onth never once showedhiself public; but after that he ca out aga with his old trickand a heavier load than ever he ca up to where there was a dog, andexag it very carefully without venturg to let the stone fall,he said: &ot;this is a rcher; ware!&ot; short, all the dogs he caacross, be they astiffs or terriers, he said were rchers; and hedis插rd no ore stones aybe it will be the sa with thishistorian; that he will not venture another ti to dis插r theweight of his wit books, which, beg bad, are harder thanstones tell hi, too, that i do not care a farthg for the threat heholds out to of deprivg of y profit by ans of his book;for, to borrow fro the fao terde of &ot;the perendenga,&ot; i say answer to hi, &ot;long life to y lord the vetiatro, and christ bewith all&ot; long life to the great nde de leos, whose christian插rity and well-known nerosity support agast all the strokef y curst fortune; and long life to the supre benevolence of hiseence of toledo, don bernardo de sandoval y rojas; and whatatter if there be no prtg-presses the world, or if theyprt ore books agast than there are letters the verses ofgo revulgo! these o prces, unught by any adulation orflattery of e, of their own goodness alone, have taken it upon theto show kdness and protect , and this i ns