
is treachery &ot;but of you,&ot; he cried, &ot;base and vilerabble, i ake no aount; flg, strike, e on, do all ye canagast , ye shall see what the reward of your folly and lencewill be&ot; this he uttered with uch spirit and boldness that hefilled his assailants with a terrible fear, and as uch for thisrean as at the persuasion of the landlord they left off stong hi,and he allowed the to carry off the wounded, and with the sacalness and posure as before resud the watch over his arour

but these freaks of his guest were not uch to the likg of thelandlord, he detered to cut atters short and nfer upon hi atonce the uncky order of knighthood before any further isadventureuld our; , gog up to hi, he apologised for the rudenesswhich, without his knowled, had been offered to hi by these lowpeople, who, however, had been well puni射d for their audacity as hehad already told hi, he said, there was no 插pel the castle,nor was it needed for what reaed to be done, for, as heunderstood the cereonial of the order, the whole pot of begdubbed a knight lay the aolade and the slap on the shoulder,and that uld be adistered the iddle of a field; and that hehad now done all that was needful as to watchg the arour, for allreirents were satisfied by a watch of o hours only, while he hadbeen ore than four about it don ixote believed it all, and toldhi he stood there ready to obey hi, and to ake an end of it with asuch despatch as possible; for, if he were aga attacked, and felthiself to be

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母胎solo二十八年的薄寒年被退婚了,對方還是一個鄉下丫頭。“薄爺,夫人出五百萬,要退婚。”薄寒年狹長的眸子輕抬,“不退!”“薄爺,夫人加價兩千萬,退婚!”薄寒年勾唇一笑,“給夫人五千萬,不退!”“夫人出價一個億,退婚!”薄寒年,“……”他有些頭疼!他家夫人要拿錢砸死他!這婚!被錢砸死也不退![暮小靚]</p> 各位書友要是覺得《葉凝薄寒年》還不錯的話請不要忘記向您QQ群和微博裡的朋
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