第75頁 (第2/4頁)
bess atters her hband, i should fancy, is one of those trtful fellows who know nothg of bess and are always ready to sign on the dotted le as he hiself put it&ot;
&ot;i agree,&ot; said poirot he looked at race &ot;and theres your otive&ot;
ji fanthorp said: &ot;but this is all pure njecture it isnt evidence&ot;
poirot replied, easily, &ot;ah, bah! we will t evidence!&ot;
&ot;possibly fro r penngton hiself&ot;
fanthorp looked doubtful
&ot;i wonder i very uch wonder&ot;
race glanced at his watch &ot;hes about due now&ot;
ji fanthorp was ick to take the ht he left the
o utes later andrew penngton ade his appearance his anner was all silg urbanity only the taut le of his jaw and the waress of his eyes betrayed the fact that a thoroughly experienced fighter was on his guard
&ot;well, ntlen,&ot; he said, &ot;here i a&ot;
he sat down and looked at the irgly
&ot;we asked you to e here, onsieur penngton,&ot; began poirot, &ot;becae it is fairly obvio that you have a very special and idiate terest the case&ot;
penngton raised his eyebrows slightly
&ot;is that ?&ot;
poirot said ntly: &ot;surely you have known l ridway, i understand, sce 射 was ite a child&ot;
&ot;oh! that -&ot; his face altered, beca less alert &ot;i beg pardon, i didnt ite t you yes, as i told you this orng, ive known l sce 射 was a cute little thg pafores&ot;
&ot;you were on ters o