
ascists!I think about it!No wonder it is so familiar!It was during world war II, one country with Japan that invaded the world!!”

when everyone heard this, they began to fear and fled in the direction of the bank.

the system then orders to all soldiers to destroy all witnesses!For the head of state!must not be exposed right now!

the wehrmacht began shooting the ubiquitous survivors, tank 4 and the US State Lion armored vehicle vehicle machine gun firing, without even the entire body, leaving only a pool of flesh and blood.

wang qi was frightened by the slaughter in front of him, his men suddenly slaughter, let him can not accept for a time.

when Stk was about to kill the baby in the fire, wang qi finally reacted and stopped the killing of the mountain scouts, when the sound of corpses came nearby.

All the soldiers retreated at once and let the witnesses destroy themselves!

wang qi was pulled into the car by qiang and left the place of hell.

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關於錦繡謎案錄: 小說梗概大楚盛世,表面歌舞昇平,實則暗潮洶湧。京城名捕蘇御,劍術卓絕、心思縝密,因一樁離奇命案卷入驚天陰謀。禮部侍郎暴斃家中,死狀可怖,周身佈滿詭異紫斑,似中毒卻又無常見毒物跡象,現場只遺落一塊繡工精美的手帕,手帕一角繡著神秘紋路,似是某種暗記。蘇御受命查案,牽出侍郎府內諸多腌臢事,妻妾爭寵、幕僚謀私,眾人皆有嫌疑,卻又證據不足。隨著調查深入,又有多起相似命案在權貴之家發生,死
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