
。 Were I not morally certain that your uncle will be dead ere you reach Madeira; I would advise you to acpany Mr。 Mason back; but as it is; I think you had better remain in England till you can hear further; either from or of Mr。 Eyre。 Have we anything else to stay for?” he inquired of Mr。 Mason。

“No; no—let us be gone;” was the anxious reply; and without waiting to take leave of Mr。 Rochester; they made their exit at the hall door。 The clergyman stayed to exchange a few sentences; either of admonition or reproof; with his haughty parishioner; this duty done; he too departed。

I heard him go as I stood at the half…open door of my own room; to which I had now withdrawn。 The house cleared; I shut myself in; fastened the bolt that none might intrude; and proceeded—not to weep; not to mourn; I was yet too calm for that; but—mechanically to take off the wedding dress; and replace it by the stuff gown I had worn yesterday; as I thought; for the last time。 I then sat down: I felt weak and tired。 I leaned my arms on a table; and my head dropped on them。 And now I thought: till now I had only heard; seen; moved—followed up and down where I was led or dragged—watched event rush on event; disclosure open beyond disclosure: but now; I thought。

The morning had been a quiet morning enough—all except the brief scene with the lunatic: the transaction in the church had not been noisy; there was no explosion of passion; no loud altercation; no dispute; no defiance or ch

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關於年代真千金被讀心,全家炮灰開掛: 姜姍姍穿成了年代文裡,開局被餓死的小可伶。養父母只想拿她換錢給親兒子娶媳婦。為求生機,她大鬧一場,和養父母劃清界限!回到了親生父母身邊後,才知道,他們一家子都是炮灰,將來會被戀愛腦假千金害死!當兵的大哥,為了給假千金出氣,分配到了大西北地。工人二哥,為了救假千金,殘廢了,最後自殺。還有三哥,為了救假千金被淹死。醫生媽,受不了家裡接連的打擊,病逝。副廠長爸,為
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