
 would always be so pleasant and amiable; and never push me about; or scold; or task me unreasonably; as she was too often wont to do。 Bessie Lee must; I think; have been a girl of good natural capacity; for she was smart in all she did; and had a remarkable knack of narrative; so; at least; I judge from the impression made on me by her nursery tales。 She was pretty too; if my recollections of her face and person are correct。 I remember her as a slim young woman; with black hair; dark eyes; very nice features; and good; clear plexion; but she had a capricious and hasty temper; and indifferent ideas of principle or justice: still; such as she was; I preferred her to any one else at Gateshead Hall。

It was the fifteenth of January; about nine o’clock in the morning: Bessie was gone down to breakfast; my cousins had not yet been summoned to their mama; Eliza was putting on her bon and warm garden…coat to go and feed her poultry; an occupation of which she was fond: and not less so of selling the eggs to the housekeeper and hoarding up the money she thus obtained。 She had a turn for traffic; and a marked propensity for saving; shown not only in the vending of eggs and chickens; but also in driving hard bargains with the gardener about flower…roots; seeds; and slips of plants; that functionary having orders from Mrs。 Reed to buy of his young lady all the products of her parterre she wished to sell: and Eliza would have sold the hair off her head if she could have made a hand

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許歲歡最後悔的事情,就是在霍其拋棄她時,沾染上顧堇那條瘋狗。男人步步算計和威逼,只為一句:“求我。”宋歲歡:“求狗都不求你。”顧堇:“汪汪&s;&s;”心狠手辣男狐狸白切黑清純小白花如果您喜歡不可方物,別忘記分享給朋友. 作者:酒笙歌所寫的《不可方物》無彈窗免費全文閱讀為轉載作品,章節由網友釋出。
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關於上班摸魚,結果同事竟是集團千金: +++考上985後就擺爛的陸管大四那年差點延畢,靠著名校的光環才勉強找到一份大廠實習工作,成為一名“聰明絕頂”的IT程式猿。入職當天繫結摸魚抽獎系統,只要完成摸魚任務,就能獲得獎勵。本以為能在公司裡靠摸魚就能混得飛起的時候,誰知道新來的高挑御姐型同事竟然是自己的大學同學!高冷只是她的外表色,悶騷才是美女的真性情!最最重要的是她還是集團背後財閥大佬的女兒!!!
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