039;s beg out of his senses and of the for of adnessthat overastered hi, at which they felt the sa astonishnt thatall felt on first beg acated with it; and vivaldo, who wasa pern of great shrewdness and of a lively teperant, orderto beguile the short journey which they said was reired to reach theounta, the scene of the burial, ught to give hi an opportunityof gog on with his absurdities he said to hi, &ot;it sees to, senor knight-errant, that your worship has ade choice of one ofthe ost atere professions the world, and i ia even thatof the carthian onks is not atere&ot;
&ot;as atere it ay perhaps be,&ot; replied our don ixote, &ot;but necessary for the world i a very uch cled to doubt for, ifthe truth is to be told, the ldier who executes what his captaorders does no less than the capta hiself who gives the order yang, is, that churchn peace and iet pray to heaven forthe welfare of the world, but we ldiers and knights carry toeffect what they pray for, defendg it with the ight of our ars andthe ed of our swords, not under 射lter but the open air, atart for the tolerable rays of the sun sur and thepiercg frosts of ter th are we god&039;s isters on earth andthe ars by which his jtice is done there and as the besf war and all that relates and belongs to it cannot be nductedwithout exceedg great sweat, toil, and exertion, it follows thatthose who ake it their profession have undoubtedly ore labour thanthose who tranil peace and iet are engad prayg to god tohelp th